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The pairs of Apollon: The gift of expansion

AP/AD: Suspension of commerce, handicraft or trade. Science in a small circle, for only a few. Exclusive scientific circle. The feeling of satisfaction. Content, sufficient,...

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The pairs of Kronos: High authority, politicians, above...

KR/AP: Great knowledge and experience. Height and width. Great expansion. Kernel formula for the "man who knows". Height and width. Scientific celebrity with decorations and...

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The pairs of Hades: Underworld, bad luck, dirty...

HA/ZE: Grave viciousness. Destruction by fire. Burns. War atrocities. Relaxation. Recreation. Holidays. Idleness and vice. No pursuing of one's aim, lack of purposeful behavior. Prevented...

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The pairs of Cupido: The arts, family and...

CU/HA: To live in socially low surroundings. Ugly environment. Coarse art. Unremunerated art. Paupers. Marriage in poverty. Low and vile company. Egoism. Individualism. Poor societies...

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The pairs of Pluto: Transformation, pain and resurrection

PL/CU: Birth or death. Ancestors and descendants. Tradition. Changes in the family, or human society. Changes in the family like betrothal, wadding, birth, death. Tradition....

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The pairs of Neptune: Lies, drugs and illusions….

NE/PL: Sneaking, unnoticeable transformation. Secrecies. Changes which are not noticed externally. Sneaking transformations. Changes only recognized In the future. Transformation and change below the surface....

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