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The pairs of Pluto: Transformation, pain and resurrection

PL/CU: Birth or death. Ancestors and descendants. Tradition. Changes in the family,

or human society. Changes in the family like betrothal, wadding, birth,

death. Tradition. Changes in the human society, human partnership.

Together with MC, UR and PO building up a collection. To clear up something

In common with others. Development of art. Growing club. Ancestors.

Descendants. Tradition. increasing population. Growing club.

PL/HA: An evil change. The situation gets worse. Unreliable. Failure to act.

Dishonesty. Downfall. To be on the decline. An evil change. The situation or

condition worsens. Increasing poverty. Growing sorrow. Decadence.

Lot of transformations…

PL/ZE: Duty bound. Increase in accomplishment. To start something now. Attending

to duty. Increase of duties. Increase of efforts. Transformation in the

immediate vicinity. Increase of creative power. Development of creative

power. To begin something new.

PL/KR: To prove one’s ability. Certified and approved test. Mastery. A great change.

Development of ability or skill Examination. Testing. Apprentice, helper

(journeyman). Master. Development upwards. To ascend In rank. Change of

boss. The formula for the new-rich, for the self-made man. Changes in the

form of government. Great upward transformation and development. Rising.

Great changes.

PL/AP: To start small and to grow big. A large change. From a small staff to great

Importance. Occurrences with great consequences. Business enlargement,

extension. Development of a science. Far reaching and expanded

transformations. To grow or extend in all directions. Repetitions. Events

taking place for the first time with great consequences. To begin in a

commerce or trade business on a small scale and to develop, grow and

expand successfully into a large business. Development of a science.

PL/AD: Deep reaching transformation. Change from the bottom up. The foundation.

To go into the depth. To return to the basic origin. Basic changes. Deeply

rooted growths (development). Roots. Radical transformations. From raw

material to finished products. From the beginning to the end. The beginning

of the end.

PL/VU Quick transformation. Mighty change in circumstance. Mighty changes or

transformations, which occur with great speed. Unhealthy, rushed

development. Hothouse development. Mighty transformations or

developments. Transformations and developments which are too rapid, too

swift in their course.

PL/PO Mental and spiritual transformation and development. Mental, intellectual

and spiritual transformations and changes. The development of the spiritual

and religious behavior and inclinations. Change of religion, of view of the

world, of life. Mental transformation and development.

Prepare for tranformation

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