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The spiral of financial destruction

"Remember this: And the Titanic by experts & professionals sank" Karl-Heinz Ottinger The economy is in a " dire mess " and policymakers are looking...

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Deglobalization and economic challenges

«it is easier to rob by setting up a bank than by holding up a bank clerk.» Bertolt Brecht Dear readers of uranian-astrolabor I greet...

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Inflation, energy crisis and moral collapse

“It’s just money. It’s made up of pieces of paper with pictures on it so that we don’t to kill each other to get something...

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A deviant polity leads to a deviant tyranny.

“Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms"     Aristotle Democracy is a constitution that cannot work. My personal opinion is that there is...

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The 4 horsemen of the Financial Revelation

«Folks in the bottom half of the economy are already squeezed hard. They will be bloodied and bankrupt if economic policy inadvertently induces a recession....

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Stock market & cryptocurrencies

"Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives center, and that is why it is starting to take off"Julian Assange The stock market is essential, say...

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