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What will happen tomorrow 19/3/2020

“A communist looks like a crocodile. When you open his mouth you do not know whether it is to smile or to devour you ”W.Churchill

Dear friends, I salute you. Donald Trump is doing everything he can to brake the corona virus and save what can be saved by the stock markets. A crisis, which I stress, will bring much of the pathogenicity of the European Union. The Italians already feel completely cut off … And so the Germans have always behaved in their subordinates. And as we said about Germany, there is hell. … Lotar Wheeler, president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), called on the Germans to avoid social contact and, contrary to the British, who believe that 80% of them will get sick. Its population over the long term, says it will manage to limit to just ten million infections in the country.

Angela Merkel has addressed the German people in a dramatic tone in her speech on the measures Berlin is taking to curb the spread of coronavirus. The chancellor of Germany stated that never in the recent past of the country, either after World War II or after the unification of the two Germans did the country face such challenges. “Such measures have never been taken before. I am well aware that freedom of movement is a very difficult right to acquire and this situation will be temporary, ”said the German Chancellor. And where to see the sequel ……

The day has a lot to do with alternative therapies or the metaphysical in general as the “channels” will be open. Sudden encounters and weird situations can also give you a sense of duty but also enjoyment. Feeling emotionally frustrated by the attitude of your mate.

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