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What will happen tomorrow 15/4

Jesus did not die on Friday on the hill of Golgotha, but on the Mount of Olives on Wednesday. Hermit, neglected by others, and aside. Liantinis

Dear friends, I greet you. Holy Wednesday, for us Orthodox Christians, and really this phrase of the great Greek professor of Philosophy… .is shocking… What is more painful … betrayal or the Crucifixion? The fraggelium or the kiss ??

The Admiral e.a. Cihat Yayci mentions in his book that “Greece increased its territorial waters from 3 to miles in 1936, but according to the Treaty of Lausanne, the territorial waters must be at 3 miles.” “Greece has unilaterally proceeded with these moves’ to expand its territorial waters! ” ” The basis of the problems of the Aegean is the violation of the balance sheet of the Treaty of Lausanne. Greece violates the Treaty by increasing its territorial waters to 6 miles in the Aegean in 1936 and arming the islands since 1964. ” In fact, the admiral concludes that this must change, as Turkey has all the options on the table. Especially the Turkish navy is controversial … Even if they fight with scouts … they will have a difficult time….

The great French intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy stated that “Two pandemics, in 1957 and 1968, at least comparable in size to the Covid19 caused by this new corona virus, have been erased from their memory. And now they’re feeding the columns again. What courses can one take? He wonders why the planet has stopped with the pandemic of coronavirus and has been quarantined while in the past there have been incredibly deadly diseases that “killed” the world population.

I will not have any predictions this week until Easter Sunday. We will analyze some axes for you to learn Uranian Astrology

In his words, “Why did you leave me?” I see a boundless collapse. The most deplorable shipwreck of human existence.

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