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Uranian Synastry: Bill Clinton-Monika Lewinsky

If food is the “fuel” of the body then love is the kerosene of human existence. There are many times when people believe that they have had an acquaintance with a karmic background. You have to explain to the person concerned that Neptune has made the “problem” and what seems to be “karma” is a test… ..

People know that the responsible planets are eg: for the situations of the “tale with a dragon” Neptune, for the “fatal, or fate” Pluto and for the “eccentric” – “or love a first ” Uranus. Now let’s go a little further. Let’s look at it from the Uranian perspective….

There is what we call “platonic love” or the so-called “love without expectation”. Someone might ask, is it “like that” in the 21st century? Of course it exists. For example in a female case we will see: “MO / VE = PO

A love based on mental contact and communication. A woman’s spiritual or platonic love. A woman who admires a person. “Or more generally”

VE / MA = PO: Platonic love. ”

 So in general the  Venus / Poseidon (** VE / PO: Mental peace and respect for the unknown and the infinite. Faith (either in ourselves or in some Higher Power). A love from heaven. comprehension. A Platonic love. Prophetic dreams. Spiritual interests.).

So this midpoint axis VE / PO says that one loves a mind, a soul and does not “love” with “eyes” … ..

 But the planet that indicates the “parallel” and “hidden” states is the planet of Uranian, the Hades … For example, a “crossing” of Hades over Venus triggers “dirty” situations in love.

So we have: VE/NE, VE/HA  which has to do with adultery and emotional dead end.

Let’s take an example. Bill Clinton and Monica Levinsky. Levinsky said she had nine sexual encounters with the then-President Bill Clinton from November 1995 to March 1997. The scandal pops up on 17/1/1998. On August 17, 1998, with no choice left for Bill Clinton he addresses the American nation and acknowledges the illegal bond.

“In fact, I had an inappropriate relationship with Miss Levinsky. It was a mistake and a personal failure for which I am solely responsible. “

Let’s see the astrological map of Bill Clinton.

On 11/1995 he had VE/NE = MC (** SARC): “Erotic distress. Wrong erotic instincts. Lack of realism. “While at the same time Transit Neptune touches the VE/NE Progressed midpoint (at 22.30) and the Progressed MC was equal to the VE /HA natal midpoint (VE / HA = MC  Facilitating Prostitution. Relationships and Prostitutes. Reaping the Benefits of Prostitutes as a Devotee. The person who, through eroticism (even thirds), eventually wins.)

On 17/8/1998 Clinton admits the “inappropriate” relationship with Progressed MC equals SA / UR (** A sudden split. Arguments and quarrels.) While transit KRONOS equals NE / CU (** NE / CU = KR. Contacts disconnected following a state order. Leadership mismatch causes rift.)

But what does Hillary’s astrological map say about the same period?

In November 1995, the Progressed Moon is in opposition to the her natal Uranus (** MO / UR: The axis of excitement and adventure. The mind’s tension and irritation. A scandal due to a female face or being caused by a woman person. A shock state). In addition, the transit Neptune was equal to the axis SO / CU (** Failure to marry. The cheat. Disintegration of society.)

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