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The year 2022 in simple words


“ Take the red pill”

Dear friends and readers of uranian-astrolabor I greet you. The year 2022 has arrived and will be remembered by all of us as a significant milestone year. Every planet that passes through the zero degree point of Aries (*Vernal point) marks a new era. In 2001 KRONOS had made contact with the Vernal Point. This essentially indicated a change in the way power is exercised. So in the name of freedom and security, freedoms and rights were curtailed and all for our own good. In 2010 we had the ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico from an oil platform explosion due to Hades in contact with Vernal Point. In 2021 and 2022 we had and will have Zeus & Poseidon respectively in contact with Vernal Point. Mind control, fake news, certificates.

But if we go back in time we had ZEUS & POSEIDON involved in major events when they were in contact with Vernal Point.

1967-1968 with ZEUS =WP: The United Kingdom announces the closing of its military bases in Malaysia and Singapore. Australia and the U.S. disapprove.

The EEC joins with the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Community, to form the European Communities (from the 1980s usually known as European Community [EC]).

The British Parliament decriminalizes homosexuality.

Six-Day War begins: Israel launches Operation Focus, an attack on Egyptian Air Force airfields; the allied armies of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan invade Israel. Battle of Ammunition Hill, the start of the Jordanian campaign

Lyndon B. Johnson requests a bill ending the gold convertibility of the U.S. Dollar.

A referendum in Greece gives more power to the military junta.

Stock market crash 1929: Poseidon = Vernal Point

The past applied to the present: In the present period homosexuality has changed the level and from an illegal situation it has become at least acceptable. President Biden is fighting a battle to keep the dollar from sinking and opposes cryptocurrencies and Yuan. A referendum gives more powers to the Junta in Greece. The same thing is happening today all over the world…no referendums. Then EUC united now we have the BRICS and the addition of Egypt.

Conclusion: Same planetary positions reproduce the same results


In the podcast which I have since 13/3/2021 on Soundcloud I say that a new disease is coming from 21/12/2021 and it turns out that the Omicron “mutation” is another disease and not Covid 19.
However, if what I see is correct (*and so far it has been verified) we are entering a state of ” recession ” of Covid near 21/9 but one cannot exclude the advent of a new disease that will affect the skin and nervous system.

Now regarding the economy, I stress that we had WI=PO in the 1929 crash as we have throughout 2022 (*but also 2021) and that is why cryptocurrencies and especially Bitcoin did not reach the $100,000 that analysts were saying. But for the year 2022, a lot of people will be involved with cryptocurrencies but also it is not excluded that some new countries will incorporate a cryptocurrency as a parallel payment system.

In simple headlines what we should expect for the year 2022:

  • Humanity is facing an economic crisis and supply problems.
  • Wall Street is essentially entering a period of disrepute as scandals will bring out all the dirt and stench that exists in the Mecca of money.
  • Germany, Italy, China, and America will be economic losers.
  • Many media outlets will be in trouble and big pharma stock may not be a good investment.
  • News, revelations and publications “point the way” to a new “Trial of NUREMBERG”




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