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The pairs of the Sun

SO/MO: The hour of the day. Temperament of the mind. The relation of a man to a

women. Man and woman (husband and wife). Marriage, patents, friendships,

partnerships. The day and the hour during Transits (the course of the day).

Bodily relations to female persons. High tides raised by a storm, d connected

with configurations pointing to catastrophes.

SO/KN: A physical union. Physical unions. Connections with the public. To be a

witness. Bodily connections.

SO/ME: The thinking faculty. The mobility of the body. A body in motion. Young

body. The head. The nerves. Consciousness. Thoughts in general. Youth.

Bodily agility, especially on the day, concerning male persons.


SO/VE: Harmony, and beauty. The body’s capacity for love. Jewelry. Harmony. A

Peaceful day. Personal attraction. Magnetism. Beautiful body. The loving

man. The time of love. Love qualities (properties) of the body (influence).

SO/MA: Working men. Energy level of the body. The man. The husband. The active

man. The soldier. The energy of the body. Working bodily. To apply oneself.

SO/JU: The well-being of the body. Corpulence. A tendency to be overweight. The

wealthy and successful man. The physically happy man. The cheerful man.

Health. Happiness of the body. Money.

SO/SA: Debility. Susceptibility to disease and illness. The old body. Physical

severance. Old man and old age. The serious man. Personal and physical

hindrances and difficulties. Physical separations. To take leave. Bodily


SO/UR: Condition of the nerves. The tension of the body. Accidents. Nervousness.

Tenseness of the body. Sudden physically exciting events. Apoplexy of the

heart. Accidents on the day. Sudden events. The physical tension and strain.

The man who applies his strength. Apoplexies.

SO/NE: Physical relaxation. Feebleness or sickness, Lack of energy of the body.

Decay. The airplane. The dirigible (A steerable lighter-than-aircraft). The

medium in the positive sense. Sensitivity. Delicate body. Masses of water. A

body susceptible to infection or illness. Weak or defenseless physically. Poor

blood or blood diseases. Infirmity. Uncertain times. Sensitiveness.

Feebleness of the body.

SO/PL: The motion of the body. The circulation of the fluids. The function of the

internal organs. Physical development of the body. To grow and regenerate

the body. The ability of the body to transform itself. Nutrition. The

assimilation of nourishment taken into the body. The circulation of the fluids

In the body. The general physical development. Changed function of the

glands and in the circulation of the fluids. Physical transformation,

development and change. Changes in living conditions and diet.

SO/CU: The body’s ability for expressing art. The wedding day. Family meetings. To

be a member of an association. A member of the family. Brothers. The

bridegroom. The married man. Father-in-law. A physical union. The artist or

association of alts. A member of the community. Concerning the father. The

man, who spends much time in the company of others. To be a member of a

club. Club members. Club session. The social. The fraternity brothers.

Meeting days. Artistic exterior. An object of art.

SO/HA: The body’s susceptibility to sickness. Decay of the body. Debility. Diseased

body. Deformed or mutilated body. To be oppressed or hindered In

developing the body and personality. Pursued by misfortune. Carrier of

secrets. Physical troubles. Infirmity. The sick or ugly body. Heavy rains. Cold

with hailstorms.

SO/ZE:  Procreative ability. The physical fire. Inflammable objects. The burning body.

A man with a goal A born leader Creative people. The procreative Impulse.

To be the leader. Exposed to physical compulsion. Obligated to act.

SO/KR: To be or become a leader. To be very independent. The father. The master

The boss. To be superior Capabilities of the body. Independence. Power of

State. The king. The ruling prince. President. Official requests, summons. To

be in service. To deal with officials. One must appear before the authorities.


SO/AP: A day of glory. Many people (bodies). Physical expansion and success.

Successes. Fame. Honors. The successful man. The man who finds

recognition. Days devoted to peaceful matters and days which bring


SO/AD: The resting body. Body without motion. Day of death. Perseverance.

Heaviness. Weight. Objects. Ground. Soil. Real estate. Landscape.

Homeland. That which is conservative. Body in repose. Standstill of the

body. Day of death. Landed property, real estate.

SO/VU:  The muscular power of the body. Strength. Vitality. Physical Strength.

Feeling of power. The power of the body or muscular power.

SO/PO: The astral body. A delicately formed body. One’s own spirit. Spiritualization

of the body. The astral body. The man who becomes spiritualized, who turns

to spiritual things. Ghosts.

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