
The monkeypox: what is it, was it predicted?


Karl-Heinz Ottinger
Technical Analyst in Uranian planetary pictures

“Disease is the biggest moneymaker in our economy.” John H. Tobe

Hygeia was an ancient Greek deity, a personification of the health of the body and the soul. According to mythology, Hygeia was the wife or daughter of Asclepius and Epione, sister of Athena. Hygeia’s sisters or daughters (depending on the version of the myth) were Panakeia, Iaso, and Aceso (Asclepiades). Apart from Athens, she was also worshipped in other cities, such as Thespia, Elatia, Megara, Corinth and Argos.
Health, along with freedom, is essentially the two ultimate goods of a person’s life. There can be no health without freedom and no freedom without health. This rule seems to be more well known than all of us, the people who actually “rule” the planet.

Swine flu, bird flu, SARS, COVID: Many people believe that people who have the power of money, and therefore the power of circumstance, believe that they are omnipotent. But through my years of study of both classical astrology and Uranian astrology, I have come to the conclusion that they are simply “puppets” with a leading role and they fulfill the “script” because God Almighty allows them to do so. But let’s leave theology aside……
What is monkeypox: According to cdc.gov:Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research, hence the name ‘monkeypox.’ The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo during a period of intensified effort to eliminate smallpox. Since then monkeypox has been reported in humans in other central and western African countries.
In humans, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, and exhaustion. The main difference between symptoms of smallpox and monkeypox is that monkeypox causes lymph nodes to swell (lymphadenopathy) while smallpox does not. The incubation period (time from infection to symptoms) for monkeypox is usually 7−14 days but can range from 5−21 days.

The illness begins with:

Muscle aches
Swollen lymph nodes
Within 1 to 3 days (sometimes longer) after the appearance of fever, the patient develops a rash, often beginning on the face then spreading to other parts of the body.

Lesions progress through the following stages before falling off:

The illness typically lasts for 2−4 weeks. In Africa, monkeypox has been shown to cause death in as many as 1 in 10 persons who contract the disease.


Currently, there is no proven, safe treatment for monkeypox virus infection. For purposes of controlling a monkeypox outbreak in the United States, the smallpox vaccine, antivirals, and vaccinia immune globulin (VIG) can be used. Learn more about the smallpox vaccine, antivirals, and VIG treatments.
I wonder if it could have been foreseen: At the end of the year 2018, I posted on my old blog (*in Greek) the article entitled: “WORLD 2019 predictions” and I write in the most obvious way at the end of the article: “Summary of the year on a global level: 2019 is a year of transition that will change much in humanity. It is a dangerous year for infectious and contagious diseases as well as for intense geophysical phenomena.”So we conclude that COVID-19 was predicted…..

Post date: December 21, 2021 and the article talks about how the Indians were infected by the British with the smallpox virus!!!

I quote a print screen from my profile on the mewe platform saying that the next disease will look like smallpox. Let’s see what the site “HISTORY.COM” says. : «The fort’s commander, Capt. Simeon Ecuyer, reported in a June 16 message to his superior, Philadelphia-based Col. Henry Bouquet, that the situation was dire, with local traders and colonists taking refuge inside the fort’s walls. Ecuyer wasn’t just afraid of his Native American adversaries. The fort’s hospital had patients with smallpox, and Ecuyer feared the disease might overwhelm the population inside the fort’s cramped confines.

Bouquet, in turn, passed along the news about smallpox inside Fort Pitt to his own superior, Amherst, in a June 23 letter. In Amherst’s July 7 response, he cold-bloodedly saw an opportunity in the disease outbreak. “Could it not be contrived to Send the Small Pox among those Disaffected Tribes of Indians? We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them.”

“We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them.”

On July 13, Bouquet, who at that point was traveling across Pennsylvania with British reinforcements for Fort Pitt, responded to Amherst, promising that he would try to spread the disease to the Native Americans via contaminated blankets, “taking care however not to get the disease myself.” That tactic seemed to please Amherst, who wrote back in approval on July 16, urging him to spread smallpox “as well as try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execreble [sic] Race.»

Inner cycle: Annual 1763

Outer cycle: Annual 2022

The merit of the natural sciences: Same situations produce the same results.
That’s my perspective on the Uranian.

Of course, AND I will NOT reveal the whole methodology but I will give you an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FACT: In the Annual chart of 1763 and 2022 we have the HA/VU axis (**HA/VU: Brute force. The power of evil. Corruption. Ugliness. Evil. The dark forces doing dark deeds. Disease fatal. Great danger. Great sickness or aggravation (**if already existing). Many preoccupations. Coercion. Bad habits. Using the power and strength I have in a bad way) to equal Vernal Point and form the equation: HA/VU=VP (or AR): suppression. Viciousness. Actions that are violent and intended for personal gain.

There is no need for fear, just calm and personal hygiene… Those who play with the fate of humanity will be dealt a very strong blow. Both diseases (*Covid & smallpox) were caused by individuals who wanted to eliminate in a subtle way a portion of people who were spoiling their plans.

Karl-Heinz Ottinger 2022©

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