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The impasse of so-called democracy is destroying American and global prosperity

It is not true that democracy always protects political freedoms better than authoritarianism. Take, for example, the most famous trial in history: Pilate was, from the Jewish point of view, the representative of authoritarianism. However, he tried to protect freedom. And he died in democracy.” -Joseph A. Schumpeter

What is democracy? The Republic originated in Athens and lasted 140 years. Non-native Athenians, women, slaves, those who owed the tax-collecting agency, those who did not go as soldiers, slanderers, homosexuals, and others were all barred from voting in ancient Athens. So perhaps we should reconsider the topic and see how many people can vote. The Republic of Athens allowed Socrates to drink conium. The people, the mob, are constantly affected.

Socrates described “miracle makers” as individuals who operate in the background but ultimately govern. They are the ones that pay politicians, judges, and the media, so whoever is truly “elected” 9 out of 10 times is “their own man.”
We are currently experiencing a severe economic recession. But, in my perspective, the economic crisis is like a defibrillator—it revives the economy. How do you want the economy to recover if death does not occur? How will we get to the Sabbath of the Resurrection if there is no Garden of Gethsemane, betrayal, mockery of righteousness, crucifixion, or burial?

Things in the economy are quite difficult. China has allowed Evergrande to go bankrupt, while America is experiencing an economic crisis and civil strife. Germany (*in the first phase) and Europe (**if the engine breaks down, i.e., Germany, how will the countries that follow like wagons fare?) are then plunged into a massive rupture and economic negligence.

America: As I stated in LIVE for 2024, America is on the verge of facing a problem between the North and the South (by January 2023). Pluto’s return to its original birthplace in America resulted in its worldwide judgment. As I wrote in my book “Witte Lehre Technik’s Best of” in 2011, President Obama will be the last to keep America thriving. It is currently falling, as are many other civilizations. America, with Kronos comparable to NE/ZE, SA/PL, AD/VU, and JU/ZE is fundamentally coming to accomplish tremendous achievements, but because of the great assurance that it is a superpower over the traps it has set itself,.

Transit of ADMETOS: “The man who has a conscience suffers while acknowledging his sin. That is his punishment, as well as prison.” Raskolnikov from “Crime and Punishment

AD/VU=KR: A person who will note something that is exceptional. Attracting attention through unusual events and strange or peculiar fateful incidents.
SA/PL=KR: Personal experience through losses. You learn from your mistakes.
JU/ZE=KR: artistic creation of something big.
NE/ZE=KR: Large political efforts without success. Ordered gas attacks. State refineries and gases of fuel.
Transit of KRONOS: “Why this is hell, nor am I out of it. Think’st thou that I who saw the face of God And tasted the eternal joys of heaven Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprived of everlasting bliss? O Faustus, leave these frivolous demands Which strikes a terror to my fainting soul!” Mephistopheles from Goethe’s Faust

Transit KRONOS comes to the map of America to “punish” it essentially with its own weapons that “punished” the others.
KN/NE=KR: Bad contact with the state. The abandoned leader. State disintegration. Parakeet. The betrayal of a leader by third parties.
KR=NE: The axis of diplomacy. A big deception. Father’s illness. Bosses who are “difficult” in their services. Revision – annulment of decrees and laws. A sick teacher. Director. One that works undercover. A window, a pattern. Confused legal frameworks. Navy officer. An incompetent employer or boss.
MA/NE=KR: Destruction of the power of a government, a sovereign person or a governor. Infection of parents or ancestors.

America will learn from its mistakes after the end of January 2030 Pluto will have passed over Pluto of the “Paris Treaty” of 1783 which closes a large circle…. But maybe it’s too late…


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