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The fighting of coins

«I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing but soon be reliable is a reliable e-cash»

                      Milton Friedman – 1976 Nobel Prize in Economics science

The year 2021 its a year who will show us the road of the total change. As a human being we want the money and the security of them. But money without a risk its looks like Christianity without hell.

The oldest and more traditional coin it is the British Pound. But after 1947, when the British empire collapsed the US dollar became the major coin of the global financial system. But the dollar, with the help of Saudi Arabia at the oil crisis (* early at ‘70’s) and the cancel of Bretton-Woods agreement will be the most expensive and valued color paper.

Some leaders tried to overpass the dollar and pay the oil cargo at other coin (* euro for example as Saddam Hussein) the American Government take her vengeance. The Americans know better… if loose Saudi Arabia and Syria the China will win the global game and will be the new hyper force without a doubt.

The dollar will be collapse (* I think the collapse its already begun) its our duty to see and predict «Who coin will be the next be thing»…

Things are extremely difficult since any superpower that loses its “primacy” and privileges… does not easily allow another to come to power. So the most logical scenario is that “China becomes a natural successor to the United States as a superpower.” Let’s go again from the beginning….

CHINA:A People’s Democracy; Without a Trace of Democracy

China is a case in which even now Stalin’s once-Soviet Union looks like a 21st-century China garden like the Garden of Eden of human rights and values. The way he “cured” Covid-19 reminds me of the phrase: “To sell the drug you must first sell the disease.” With the covid-19 he flew out of the Americans, Trump, the European Union and at the same time the “benefactor” of the WHO, Bill Gates, sold the vaccines, trading the fear. But the problem is for China that within the next two years (* and more specifically after May 2022) China is getting into huge economic problems. And that’s why he’s going to set up digital currency. Predicting the transition to a free and digital age. But the concept of “anonymity” in an authoritarian regime is rather !!! funny !!! So let’s go below….

The counter is essentially between Crypto-coins and traditional currencies but is actually between BITCOIN VS U.S DOLLAR

The digital adventurers of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general 10 years ago were as graphic as the first “conquistadores” were looking to find gold deposits in El Dorado. Dreamers, swindlers and all sorts of “cosmetic adjectives” had to be heard and tolerated… But some of them may be laughing now because they may have been graphic and dreamy but now they are rich.

In the Stock market crash of 1929 Poseidon = with WI. In 1987 “Black Monday” Cupido & Hades was equal to WI. The crisis did NOT start with the bankruptcy of Lehmahn’s Brothers. This was the icing on the cake. It started on 9/8/2007 (* 13 months earlier) when large groups of the population were unable to respond to sub-primes loan payments. The banks ran out of cash, the auctions took place at such a rate that people were really in despair… .There comes the first internet bank run with online withdrawals in England due to the speed of information transfer.

Bitcoin is currently in the top twenty currencies in the world with a “life” of only 12 years. He could be considered a “child of need” or a “child of crisis” but he is essentially a “modern-digital PROMETHEUS”. And unfortunately, whether some people like it or not, America has long since ceased to be a superpower (* FORECAST from the 2011 Anthologies by Witte Lehre Technik). And in order for a superpower to exist it must have: MILITARY POWER-CULTURE-ECONOMY-HIGH HIGHER UNIVERSITY STANDARDS.

The disadvantage of BITCOIN is that it has on its map the equation JU / NE = MC which speaks of: “The relaxed. The one who has composure, the one who is not bored with anything. Wasteful … stock market player. ” At the same time we have on the natal chart of this cryptocurrency the equation WI / SO = JU: Pleasant moments. The time when one will reap the hardships that one has “sown” for a long time. “I will get paid;” (* We use this sensitive point for whether we will eventually get some money or not). This alone will give BITCOIN comfortably win a battle until 4 years ago it did not exist because the cryptocurrencies were in utter disrepute

Karl-Heinz Ottinger© 2021

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