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What will happen tomorrow 12 September 2020

“She said nothing, she only looked at me without a word. But it hurts more, it hurts more when they don't blame!” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky Dear...

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What will happen tomorrow 15/6

Today requires special attention as many things and discussions will revolve around issues that will be dead and irreversible. Decrees and laws on funding. Happiness...

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What will happen tomorrow 11/06

The day needs attention on a physical level since it has SUN = NEPTUNE and it shows a weakens at physical level. At the same...

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What will happen tomorrow 10/6

The day is extremely difficult. Try to be yourself and avoid doing things you can't … just-out of obligation. Enthusiasm, separations, obstacles. Sudden physical separation....

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What will happen tomorrow 4/6

The day has explosions and many tensions. Trading with desperate people, associated with highly developed or secretive individuals. Participation in false doctrines, secret societies and...

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What will happen tomorrow 1/06

The day needs a lot of attention since we have Neptune involved which indicates a mass deception. The physical collapse. Rest-relaxation. What we can say...

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