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Near-Death Experience of U.S Dollar

By Karl-Heinz Ottinger
Technical Analyst of Uranian Planetary pictures
I expect to see trade wars, foreign policy disasters, a few race riots, a decrease in personal liberty, higher taxes, higher inflation, and probably, economic collapse. The silver lining is, secession will probably become more feasible.” Charley Reese

Dear friends of uranian-astrolabor. We are living in a very difficult period and we will be “eyewitnesses” of the transition of the economy from the previous economic systems (*capitalism, communism, socialism, etc.) to a state of personal economic self-management.

Nowadays, believing in “outdated” concepts such as state, government and politics is probably leftover from the era before the first industrial revolution. Now the giant multinational corporations’ rule and the politicians simply administer and essentially do the ‘dirty work’ of legalization through legislative resolutions.

The same has happened in big countries like America, China, etc. The difference is that in every case when the government doesn’t do the “favors” of business (*real governments) then the rulers (*managers essentially) lose elections, have problems with other countries, scandals surface, etc.

That’s how the coups in Nicaragua and Latin America in general happened, that’s how President Nixon fell with the Watergate scandal, etc. That’s how President Trump “lost” the elections, for example. President of America without war? Without bringing down a couple of governments, without making coups around the world, and worst of all having a good relationship with Putin and the President of China?

The Universe has its own plans and “chooses” the “right people for the right job”. And the one who is considered the “chosen one” and thinks he has the “authority” ends up doing, unknowingly, what the Universe commands him to do.

Why I predict the fall of the US (*and regional) Dollar:
America is experiencing the return of the planet Pluto in natal position (*based on the July 4th, 1776, chart) and that alone says a lot. But the dollar has 2 -3 natal charts.
a) The chart of its ” establishment “.
b) The map of the Bretton-Woods agreement
c) The map of President Nixon’s proclamation withdrawing the dollar from the gold standard.
In the map of the Dollar (*1792) as of September 2022, all planets (*from SARC) are opposite the natal planets of the Dollar. This as a fact is a multiple of 22.30 so we have an activation of the natal chart.


The sensible sign pointing to the Federal Reserve equals Hades (*transit) while the axis pointing to the destiny of humanity equals Vulcanus giving the equation WI/NE=VU and giving us the interpretation. Things are not going as I have calculated.». And of Course transit, Hades equals natal Uranus of US dollar (**UR=HA: Sudden death, including murder. Great destruction and cruelty. Rash packaging. Insidious murder. Short-term illness. Disease-related to blood circulation. Rare disease. Catastrophe. Involvement in war zones).

END of Part A’


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