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What will happen tomorrow 24/4

"Historians of the future will compare Bill Gates to Adolf Hitler" Friends, I greet you. So Friday and things are heading towards “normality". Bill Gates...

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What will happen tomorrow 23/4

"We are not just observers. We are participants. In a strange sense, this is a participatory universe, ”John Archibald Wheeler Dear friends and readers, I...

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What will happen tomorrow 22/4

"The real question is not whether there is life after death. The real question is whether you have life before death. ”Osho Dear friends, I...

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What will happen tomorrow 20/4

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." Shakespeare (* Storm) Dear friends and readers, I greet you. Have a nice week. We are...

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What will happen tomorrow 18/4

"Every truth goes through three stages. He is ridiculed first. Then he finds strong opposition. And in the end it is taken for granted: Schopenhauer...

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What will happen tomorrow 16/4

"The only value of financial predictions is that they make astrology look credible." John Kenneth Galbraith Dear friends, I greet you. People are slowly trying...

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