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May 5,2020

What will happen tomorrow 6/5

"If they can get you to ask the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon...

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May 3,2020

What will happen tomorrow 4/5

"No pain, no gain. "Dear friends and readers, I greet you Things are a bit difficult since everyone is trying...

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May 1,2020

What will happen tomorrow 2/5

"One of the most common temptations, however, that leads to great calamities is the temptation of the words, 'Everyone does...

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April 28,2020

Bill Gates the “Humanitarian …… of the Underworld”

Dear friends, I come back again with a person that we all know He is the famous inventor of Windows...

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April 27,2020

What will happen tomorrow 27/4

"He who agrees with what you say is either stupid or preparing to scratch you." Kin Hubbard Dear friends and...

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April 24,2020

What will happen tomorrow 25/4

"You should never underestimate the stupidity of public opinion" Scott Adams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIvRkjOd1f8&t=87s Dear friends and readers, I greet you Saturday...

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